GET® TenantCare is a smart and automated tenant submetering solution designed to help landlords and property owners efficiently manage tenant utilities consumption.

Backed by SP Digital’s robust advanced metering infrastructure, GET TenantCare simplifies operational challenges involved in utilities management, enhances tenant engagement, and frees up valuable time for landlords to focus on their core business.

Green Energy Tech TenantCare

GET TenantCare helps building owners/landlords solve:


Data reliability issues from non-standard, multi-brand electricity and water meters


Resource-intensive processes such as manual meter readings and data collection


Revenue losses due to erroneous data and inaccurate utility bills


Heavy workload involving billing consolidation and invoicing of tenants


Inconsistent or transient tenant utilities management service, resulting in lower tenant satisfaction


Contractual lock-in worries with energy retailers


Hassle of paperwork needed when switching energy retailers

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Key Benefits


Increase Operational Efficiency and Productivity

Reduce time and resources needed for manual meter reading and eliminate unnecessary data errors and validation


Enhance Tenant Engagement

Handle tenant move-in and move-out with ease using a digitalised and automated approach for higher tenant satisfaction


Improve Revenue Assurance Process

Eliminate human error and prevent unnecessary revenue losses due to manual readings and inaccurate billing


Enable Focus on Core Business

Focus on driving value for your core business without worrying about billing and utilities management services for your tenants


Advance Sustainability Goals

Gain energy consumption insights and tips to improve energy efficiency and advance sustainability efforts collectively with your tenants

GET TenantCare delivers regardless of energy retailer choice

Our meters, mesh network and utilities management service are independent of energy retailer contracts, so you don’t have to worry about lock-ins or handover issues when you switch retailers.

Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI)


  • Revenue-grade AMI electricity meters
  • Secure and robust in-building Radio Frequency (RF) mesh network

Standards-compliant and revenue-grade smart electricity & water meters that digitally collect data with greater accuracy


Cost efficient, scalable, secure and robust in-building Radio Frequency (RF) mesh network for full strength connectivity

*The above is for illustration purpose.
The RF mesh network can be extended to cover sub-meters for common area water & electricity monitoring.

Simplify your meter reading process

Existing Meter Reading Process
SP Digital Automated Meter Reading Process

Case study: major transport and retail hub with multiple tenants

Customer Challenges


Underbilling of tenant utilities resulting in revenue losses and higher costs for the landlord


Operationally intensive and laborious manual meter reading process


Frequent cases of errors in data recording leading to incorrect utility bills and tenant complaints and dissatisfaction

Our Solution

GET TenantCare which includes:


Robust advanced metering infrastructure with secure and scalable indoor mesh network


Over 500 standards-compliant and revenue-grade smart electricity and water meters


Integrated system that digitalises tenant utilities management processes, provides advanced utilities insights and analysis, and anomaly detection algorithms


Customer Benefits

Improved Revenue Assurance

Improved Revenue Assurance
- Avoided revenue losses by proactively detecting anomalies which could result in underbilling

Improved Operational Efficiency

Improved Operational Efficiency
- 228 man-days saved annually through the digitalisation of meter reading and verification process

Advancing Sustainability

Advancing Sustainability
- 314kg of old meters recycled thus reducing electronic waste

Future Proof Technology

Future Proof Technology
- Robust and standards-based system to ensure data accuracy and scalability

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