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SP Digital | Buildings wake up to the power of AI to decarbonise the built environment

Artificial intelligence or AI is now a part of our lives in varying degrees. When your online shopping platform suggests your next purchase, or when your car parks itself, or when you ask Siri what is the meaning of life, AI is behind the recommendations and answers.

By crunching large data sets at incredible speed and recognising patterns, AI is able to make predictions and suggestions, and provide solutions with accuracy and efficiency - a game changer when applied to energy management systems.

Buildings are dynamic: their management systems should be, too

Buildings are like living, breathing entities. They provide shelter for occupants while fulfilling daily operations: such as illuminating indoor and outdoor spaces with lighting, facilitating movement with lifts and escalators, keeping the water flowing with pumps and valves, and maintaining a level of comfort with air conditioning and ventilation.

Occupancy in the office spaces is dynamic, fluctuating throughout a workday as people move in and out of meeting rooms or leave their workstations to go for lunch; rising to capacity during peak periods or falling during the festive season. The building management system has to be flexible and accurate to match the needs of the occupants.

How AI can enable super low energy buildings (SLEB)

SP Digital’s suite of Green Energy Tech (GETTM) solutions leverages on AI and IoT, integrating different building management systems and diverse data sources to create a seamless, sustainable utilities management experience that is accurate, comprehensive and timely.

The innovative suite also enables the transformation of existing properties into super low energy buildings (SLEB) without costly or time-consuming retrofitting of buildings. GET can be easily incorporated into a building, as the installation is simple and modular, and done with minimal disruption to business operations.

GETTM Insights can draw on detailed energy consumption data like that for a particular floor, unit, or specific common areas. Through a utilities dashboard with data visualisation for greater clarity and ease of use, customers can manage, monitor, report, analyse and optimise utilities usage, to help identify wastage and cost efficiencies. With a smart energy management system, landlords can advance the sustainability agenda for their property portfolio.

Solve the cooling, solve the energy use

As cooling accounts for about 60% of a building’s energy usage1, an energy-efficient air conditioning system can make a significant difference in your business’ running costs.

SP Digital’s GETTM Control is a predictive and proactive building intelligence system with built-in AI and analytics, that that looks to optimise energy efficiency. Building automation systems integrate HVAC or ACMV systems with lighting, fire safety, energy management, and other building services into one holistic system, contributing to the comfort and well-being of occupants.

Rising to the challenge:
a Grade A office tower gets an uplift in energy efficiency

In the case of a premium office block in the Central Business District, occupant comfort is a key consideration. The challenge lay in the size of the space: approximately 25,000 sq ft per level. In large areas such as these, cooling by conventional air conditioning systems often results in areas of cold and hot spots. Not only is it uncomfortable for occupants, it is energy-inefficient, resulting in waste and unnecessary cost.

GET Control was deployed in this tower block, with each level divided into 35 micro-zones, to enable granular data monitoring and analysis, better airflow distribution and greater microclimate control.

Advanced algorithms and predictive analytics optimise and regulate air-conditioning and maximise energy efficiency based on changes in occupancy, current weather conditions and forecast data. Redirecting conditioned air to the spaces that need it most is a strategy that is proven to lower energy consumption.

The dynamic data and smart responses achieve the desired temperatures, making the office energy efficient and comfortable.

As for installation ease and turnaround time, GET Control’s range of loT equipment communicates through RF mesh, unlike traditional VAV set-ups, and does not need major tear-down or retrofitting of the building.

With remote visibility of on-site conditions through Facilisight® web and mobile apps, the property managers are able to be more responsive, and address ad-hoc requests such as an extension of cooling hours, to accommodate the needs of occupants.

Find out how AI and IoT can give your built assets an uptick in energy efficiencies. Contact SP Digital for an obligation-free discussion.


1SUPER LOW ENERGY BUILDING TECHNOLOGY ROADMAP,  page 7, Building & Construction Authority (BCA).

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