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SP Digital | How Singapore is propelling carbon reduction with technology

Singapore is ranked 21 out of 155 countries in terms of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions per capita1 now, but maybe not for much longer.

Our nation has committed to achieving net zero emissions by 20501 and has accelerated sustainable technology efforts to reach a low-carbon economy for industry, economy, and society. In addition to clean energy alternatives, Singapore is also exploring innovation in areas like carbon capture and carbon removal.

The Equatic-1, set to be the world’s largest ocean-based carbon removal plant, is now under construction in Tuas through a collaboration between PUB and US start-up Equatic2. The plant will use seawater, air, rock, and renewable electricity to remove and store CO2 while generating carbon-negative hydrogen. Once operational, it will be capable of removing 10 tonnes of CO2 from the ocean each day – over 100 times the current daily removal.

Singapore is creating new partnerships with industry leaders and aligned countries to expand its carbon-capturing capabilities. $12 million has also been set aside for research and development grants for emerging technologies, such as finding new cost-effective ways of capturing low concentrations of CO23.

Present carbon reduction innovations are good but limited

These two projects are limited, and alone, are insufficient to manage our global carbon output.

To meet climate goals, researchers say carbon removal needs to quadruple to 7–9 billion tonnes annually4. Attempting to speed this up by introducing new and untested methods risks biodiversity and food and water security.

Carbon capture is no silver bullet either. Scaling up carbon capture and storage can be very expensive due to design complexities and the need for customisation at each site or location. Extensive monitoring is needed to ensure that the stored CO2 does not leak back into the atmosphere over the years. Right now, just less than 5% of Singapore’s total yearly emissions are getting captured3.

These technologies need the support of other carbon reduction efforts by businesses and individuals to make a real impact. The most effective solution is to maximise energy efficiency. Fortunately, SP Digital offers technologies to help customers manage their utility consumption more efficiently and lower their carbon emissions.

Reduce your carbon footprint with SP Digital technologies

20% of Singapore’s carbon emissions come from the built environment sector5. That is why SP Digital has developed technologies to turn 80% of commercial and industrial facilities into green buildings, elevating their status to Super Low Energy Building (SLEB).

The Green Energy Tech (GET™) suite of solutions integrates different building management systems and diverse data sources using AI and IoT to provide businesses with a seamless, sustainable, accurate, timely, and comprehensive utilities management experience. These solutions can be easily integrated into existing building management systems without any retrofitting of buildings.

GET™ Insights

GET Insights makes energy consumption patterns more comprehensible by providing detailed insights into specific floors, units, and common spaces. With its utilities dashboard, customers can manage, monitor, report, analyse, and optimise utilities usage for cost and energy savings.

GET™ TenantCare

GET TenantCare, a tenant submetering system, allows property owners to efficiently manage tenant utility consumption. By simplifying the operational challenges involved in utility management, it frees up property owners’ valuable time to focus on their core business.

GET™ Control

GET Control, a building intelligence system, optimises the energy performance of HVAC or ACMV systems, considering factors such as weather conditions and occupancy levels. Partitioning large open-plan office spaces into micro-zones allows for precise office airflow control, promoting greater occupant comfort and energy efficiency.

Reducing carbon emissions is a whole-of-nation effort, and getting consumers involved gives further impetus to Singapore’s sustainability drive. SP app users can calculate their carbon footprint using their tracked utilities consumption data. The app will display emissions by category, making it easy for users to identify areas to reduce. Users can further reduce their carbon footprint by joining SP Digital’s GreenUP initiative to be rewarded for taking green actions.

Keen to learn how your business can propel carbon reduction?

Contact us to learn more about SP Digital's smart utilities solutions that deliver crucial insights and efficiencies.


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